Student Success United: Extending Successes in Gateway Course Transformations throughout the University-Wide Curriculum at Savannah State University

Lisa Yount, Jonathan Elmore, Isadora Mosch

Savannah State University

Historically, DFWI rates are disproportionately attributed to students in underrepresented populations. Thus, the efforts of redesigning “gateway” courses to promote an inclusive environment where all students can learn and perform at their highest potential is especially important for HBCUs like Savannah State University (SSU). Student Success United, Savannah State University’s newly approved Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), builds on the successes achieved through the Gateways to Completion (G2C) methodology and replicates the process to impact course redesigns extending to all areas of the core curriculum and lower- and upper-division courses in all degree-granting academic programs.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign

Student Success United: Extending Successes in Gateway Course Transformations throughout the University-Wide Curriculum at Savannah State University

Lisa Yount, Jonathan Elmore, Isadora Mosch

Savannah State University

Historically, DFWI rates are disproportionately attributed to students in underrepresented populations. Thus, the efforts of redesigning “gateway” courses to promote an inclusive environment where all students can learn and perform at their highest potential is especially important for HBCUs like Savannah State University (SSU). Student Success United, Savannah State University’s newly approved Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), builds on the successes achieved through the Gateways to Completion (G2C) methodology and replicates the process to impact course redesigns extending to all areas of the core curriculum and lower- and upper-division courses in all degree-granting academic programs.

Learn more about Gateway Course Redesign